New research shows the effectiveness of an old remedy for treating wounds, writes Georgina Gethin Out of all the agents used in wound management honey is certainly the most enduring, with records of its use dating back more than 2000 years.1 In the latter half of the 19th century and early 20th century the advent… Read more »
Posts By: admin
Effect of honey on Cough
Significant differences in symptom improvement were detected between treatment groups, with honey consistently scoring the best and no treatment scoring the worst. In paired comparisons, honey was significantly superior to no treatment for cough frequency and the combined score, but DM was not better than no treatment for any outcome. Comparison of honey with DM revealed no significant differences.
Old Bar Honey 2013 samples
Sample #1 This sample predominantly Trifolium (clover)(63%), significant amounts of the Eucalyptus‐type (gum)(14%) Leptospermum‐type (manuka) (21%), Liguliflorae Compositae (dandelion/thistle) (2%). Sample #2 This sample is slightly more mixed, With dominant Leptospermum‐type(manuka)(41% Trifolium(clover)(33%), And smaller amounts of Acacia (wattle)(13%), Liguliflorae Compositae(dandelion/thistle)(5%), Eucalyptus‐type(gum)(5%) Palmae(palm(3%).